Meet your Coach


I departed Navy EOD with a mission to model, teach, and preach the benefits of strength and health to as many people that will listen. I affirm that we can lead ourselves and others to massive change through a willingness to learn about our bodies and implement that knowledge to create better lives for ourselves and our community.

I have dedicated my time to learning from some of the best mentors and coaches in the business with proven track records and varying philosophies that I draw upon to create effective and actionable plans. I consider myself a generalist and therefore cast a wide net with my experiences to develop creative problem-solving strategies.

I model myself upon this foundation to show others that with drive and hard work, anyone can take control of their fate and create the life they envision for themselves.

“John helped me get my form right and gave me the tools I needed to treat an ongoing IT band that medical providers and physical therapists couldn't fix. My leg is stronger now, mostly painless, and a lot better off. Also he helped me increase my totals in the major 3 lifts significantly by creating a challenging program that incorporated movements from powerlifting and strongman, many of which I would not have learned otherwise.”
